Sleep Apnoea Risk Test

Free Online Sleep Apnoea Risk Test

The first step to understanding if you are at risk of having Sleep Apnoea is to complete our FREE Online Sleep Apnoea Risk Test. This risk test takes just 20 seconds to complete and assesses your chance of having Sleep Apnoea. If you are at risk, we advise taking part in a further, more thorough overnight Sleep Study – details for this are provided the the end.

Want more advice or guidance? Call our friendly, knowledgeable team on 0800 024 8050 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) or contact us.

WatchPat One Rapid home sleep test for Sleep Apnoea | Intus Healthcare

In-Home Sleep Test

If you suspect that you have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, then an in-home Sleep Test provides a quick, convenient and affordable way to have it confirmed. Our sleep test is medically approved that offers comparable testing accuracy to an overnight sleep test conducted at a hospital or sleep clinic.

After completing the test, your results are with you within two working days. All tests are analysed by experienced NHS-qualified sleep professionals. Additionally your test results are followed up with a complimentary consultation with our sleep clinicians to go over your results and treatment options.