Tips to stop snoring

Snoring is extremely common and is caused by your tongue, mouth tissues and throat relaxing too much. Air passing through creates vibrations in the tissue, producing the snoring sound. There are certain factors that can increase the risk of snoring, including:

  • The shape of your airways (physiology) can make some people more likely to snore.
  • Being overweight around the throat and neck increases the likelihood of snoring.
  • Your age can weaken your throat muscles increasing the risk of snoring.
  • The amount of stimulant intake, e.g. caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

Snoring can be highly disruptive and make many people lose quality sleep and may also indicate serious medical conditions. There are numerous natural ways to stop snoring and anti-snoring devices you could use.

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Can you train yourself to stop snoring?

No, you cannot train yourself to stop snoring. This is because it is commonly due to the anatomy of a persons tongue, throat and airway. However, there are natural things you can do to try and stop snoring naturally. This will require some lifestyle changes and you may need to adopt one of more of these changes in order to reduce snoring.


How to stop snoring naturally


Sleeping on your side

Side sleeping is often recommended as a way to alleviate or reduce snoring. It helps reduce snoring because it helps keep your airways open and prevents the tongue and soft tissues from collapsing into the throat, which can contribute to snoring.


Losing weight

Losing weight can have a positive impact on reducing snoring, particularly if excess weight is a contributing factor to your snoring. Carrying excess weight, especially around the neck and throat area, can lead to the narrowing of the airways during sleep. This narrowing can contribute to snoring. Losing weight can help reduce the amount of fatty tissue in these areas, opening up the airways and reducing the likelihood of snoring.


Avoiding alcohol

Avoiding or reducing alcohol consumption before you sleep can be an effective strategy for reducing snoring. Alcohol is a sedative which has a relaxing effect on the muscles, including the muscles in the throat. When these muscles relax excessively, they can partially block the airway, leading to snoring.


Relieving congestion

Sinus and nasal congestion obstructs the nasal passages, preventing airflow causing you to snoring. Relieving congestion can help reduce snoring and make breathing during sleep more comfortable.


Quitting smoking

Smoking can irritate the respiratory system, leading to inflammation and congestion of the airways, which can contribute to snoring. Quitting smoking reduces inflammation and irritation, allowing for better airflow to reduce snoring.


Sleep hygiene

Good sleep hygiene practices can help improve sleep quality and potentially reduce snoring. While snoring can have various causes, incorporating healthy sleep habits into your routine can create a conducive environment for better sleep and potentially alleviate snoring. Some tips for good sleep hygiene include: sticking to consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleeping environment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Behavioural changes

Different behaviour changes that help to exercise the muscles in your throat can help strengthen the throat and mouth, to reduce snoring. Some exercises include: singing, tongue exercises, jaw exercises, playing a musical instrument or reading out loud to exercise the muscles in the throat.


It’s important to consult with a doctor to determine the best natural approach for your individual needs and underlying causes of snoring.

How to stop sleeping with your mouth open

Sleeping with your mouth open commonly leads to snoring. There are different breathing exercises can help you breathe through your nose while you sleep. Nasal strips and chin straps can also make it easier to breathe through your nose and keep your mouth closed during sleep.

Alcohol and sedatives can relax the muscles in your throat, making it more likely that you’ll sleep with your mouth open. Avoiding these substances before bedtime can help you keep your mouth closed while you sleep.

SinuPulse Elite Nasal Irrigator & Salt Powder | Intus Healthcare

SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Irrigator

The SinuPulse is one of the leading nasal irrigators, providing daily upper airway relief in minutes! The simple device helps to treat tinnitus, halitosis, sinusitis and stop snoring. The device uses a drug-free saline solution to flush out bacteria and clear yours sinuses.


What are the best anti-snoring devices to prevent snoring?

There are a range of anti-snoring products clinically proven to reduce or stop snoring.

  • Positional Sleep Therapy: A positional sleep therapy anti-snoring device is a great option for those who only snore when laying on their back. There are different types of positional sleep therapy including small forehead devices, positional sleep therapy belts and positional sleep therapy vests. Each version of the therapy helps to prevent sleeping on your back to stop you from snoring. The Somnibel Positional Sleep Therapy Trainer is a small device worn each night on the forehead and vibrates when the wearer rolls over onto their back. The vibration encourages them to roll back over preventing airway obstructions causing snoring.
  • Nasal irrigation: Sinus and nasal congestion make breathing through your nose difficult, inducing snoring. You may find you only snore at certain times of year due to the weather and seasonal allergies. Nasal irrigation helps to clear your sinuses and open your nasal airway, removing congestion. Most nasal irrigators use a natural saline solution to rinse out your sinuses in minutes! The SinuPulse Nasal Irrigator is a great option to stop snoring and relieve your congestion.
  • Nasal strips: Nasal strips are a popular and natural method to stop snoring, they work by bending to the flare of your nose. As the nasal strip sticks to your nose, it attempts to straighten to its normal form, pulling out your nostrils, and widening your airways to allow air to pass through easier. You can use nasal strips daily to prevent snoring or if you feel congested to help you breathe comfortably.
  • Chin straps: Chin straps gently hold your mouth closed, encouraging you to breathe through your nose, reducing snoring, preventing a dry mouth and sore throat. There are many different types of anti-snoring chin straps. They are commonly made of a soft cloth fabric and easy to adjust so you can sleep comfortably and more oxygen can reach your lungs. For those with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea using a CPAP machine a CPAP chin strap can be worn to hold the users mouth closed if they use a nasal mask and breathe from their mouth.
  • Anti-snoring pillows: Different anti-snoring pillows are designed to support you neck and head to improve your breathing and keep your airway open to reduce snoring. Studies of users found that using a anti-snoring pillow reduced their snoring within one night of use.
Somnibel Anti-Snoring Positional Sleep Therapy Trainer | Intus Healthcare

Somnibel Anti-Snoring Sleep Trainer

The Somnibel anti-snoring device is a simple solution to stop snoring and positional Sleep Apnoea. 1 in 4 people are positional snorers, meaning they only snore when they lay on their back. The small device gently vibrates to stop you from laying on your back, keeping your airway open and free of obstructions. It has a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, so if you don’t experience the benefits and stop snoring you can get your money back!

Anti-Snoring Mouthguards and Oral Appliances

Oral appliances are a common anti-snoring solution, there are many different forms and types of the devices, including:

  • Mouth guards and oral appliances known as Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADS): These are mouthpieces that are worn at night and hold the lower jaw in a slightly forward position to help keep the airway open. They fit inside your mouth and gently push your lower jaw forward to open your airway comfortably. Mandibular Advancement Devices are clinically proven anti-snoring devices and successful treatment for mild Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
  • Tongue Retainer Devices (TDRS): These small plastic oral devices go into your mouth to grip your tongue, holding it forward to prevent it from falling into the back of your throat, to prevent snoring. TRDS need to be fitted by a medical professional, which could be your doctor or dentist. The anti-snoring device must be rinsed with warm water before applied to your mouth, this makes the plastic more flexible and fit securely.

To prevent infection, bacteria and the smell of odours, these oral devices need to be cleaned daily with hot water. You can use denture-cleaning solution to help keep it clean. The devices are to be stored in a dry and cool environment in its protective container. Each type of oral appliance can last over a year when taken care of correctly.

You should not use any mouthwash that contains alcohol as it can dry out the plastic and damage your appliance.

Oniris Mandibular Advancement Device | Intus Healthcare

Oniris Clinically Proven MAD

The Oniris Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) is a clinically-proven anti-snoring device, it is the leading off-the-shelf mandibular device. It is the only self-adjustable anti-snoring device that’s effectiveness has been assessed and proven to work by hospitals and sleep clinics. The easy-to-use device provides an impression equivalent to laboratory produced mouthpieces and is designed to bring your lower jaw forward when sleeping. A clinical study showed 94% of users to be satisfied with the device.

What to do when someone is snoring and you can’t sleep?

Are you kept awake by someone’s snoring? Here are some tips to help you block out the snoring and get to sleep:

  • Wear foam earplugs
  • Try to go to sleep before they do
  • Listen to a white noise machine
  • Wear sleep headphones
  • Listen to music, an e-book, a podcast or mindfulness meditation
  • Try to move the snorer into a different sleeping position to help open their airways
  • Sleep in another room
Anti Snoring Belt | Intus Healthcare

Anti Snoring Belt Sleep Therapy Trainer

The Anti-Snoring Belt is a comfortable sleep therapy trainer for snoring and Positional Sleep Apnoea.

The simple device helps you sleep on your side, producing small vibrations when you turn on your back so you turn back onto your side.

Designed with breathable fabric and adjustable setting levels so you can sleep comfortably.

Do anti-snoring devices work for Sleep Apnoea?

Certain anti-snoring devices help to treat the symptoms Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), including mandibular advancement devices and positional sleep therapy devices. However, it depends on the severity OSA of the individuals as to what treatment method will help.

Treating an underlying medical condition can help control and manage your snoring.

Chronic snoring is a key warning sign of OSA, if you have any other symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness you could have Sleep Apnoea. If you think you could have OSA take our free online Sleep Apnoea risk test, to find out if you are at risk in 20 seconds!


CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy is gold standard treatment for Sleep Apnoea. It provides a continuous flow of pressurised air to keep your airway open, stopping snoring and other OSA symptoms.

If you have any questions or if you need any assistance then please do contact our customer service team