Last updated on September 3rd, 2024 at 02:31 pm
Sleep Apnoea Trust Patient awareness day
The Sleep Apnoea Trust Association (SATA) is the UK’s leading Sleep Apnoea charity. The charity successfully raises awareness of the sleep disorder and provides expert advice and support for Sleep Apnoea patients.
SATA’s Sleep Matters virtual conference is back this autumn to educate members and hear patients’ voices.
Members of SATAday are given the opportunity to discuss all things Sleep Apnoea related with the committee.
Let’s take a closer look at the SATA Sleep Matters conference details:
What is the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association?
SATA, also known as the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association, is a national patient support charity. The independent charity was founded in 1993 and is primarily managed by volunteers that suffer from the sleep disorder.
SATA exists to improve Sleep Apnoea patients’ lives, partners, and families.
SATAday 15th October 2022 – Virtual Conference
The Sleep Apnoea Trust Association created SATAday to allow members to hear expert medical advice and participate in Sleep Apnoea discussions.
You can easily join the SATAday virtual conference via phone, tablet or computer wherever you are.
SATAday had hoped to hold a hybrid event; however, due to the global shortage of CPAP machines, members would not be able to view the latest machines.
This year’s conference returns focusing on all you need to know regarding travelling with Sleep Apnoea and answering patient questions.
Prior to the 2020 Covid Pandemic, SATAday was a physical conference, and the charity hopes to return to this next year.
SATAday 2022 Core Details
When is SATAday 2022? SATA will hold its third annual Sleep Apnoea patients virtual conference on the 15th of October, from 10 am to 12:30 pm (for members only).
SATAday is a day for Sleep Apnoea patients to learn more about their conditions and the latest treatment developments and share their experiences with others.
This year, the event will be virtual, making participation really easy. Already this year, around 400 patients across the UK have signed up to attend, with the numbers growing each year.
Membership for SATA is ÂŁ20 annually; access to SATAday also provides other benefits, including:
- A Medical Alert card
- Access to the Members Area of their website
- A wealth of advice and information
- Sleep Matters publication (typically 3-4 editions per year)
Each SATAday has key focuses on providing the most valuable advice, this year these are:
Travel – Travelling with Sleep Apnoea requires preparation, and CPAP users commonly ask how to travel with CPAP. SATAday will dive deep into the requirements for travelling with a CPAP machine and offer alternative options, specifically the Mandibular Advancement Device.
SATA plans to cover clinical and technical complications CPAP users face when travelling.
Whether you plan on camping in the UK or travelling abroad, SATAday will hold insightful travel information.
The Sleep Apnoea Trust have a page dedicated to airline travel with CPAP, which you can find here – UK Airlines And CPAP.
Patient Questions – SATA aims to always listen to Sleep Apnoea patients, and this year’s conference will give patients a chance to be involved through a longer Q&A session.
The dedicated Q&A panel will answer questions throughout the conference.
SATAday will also feature popular research and development updates.
Why join SATA?
The majority of the funding for SATA comes from member subscriptions, so by joining SATA, you and the whole charity benefit.
SATAday lets you gain the most up-to-date CPAP facts, figures and support.
To help diagnose and treat up to 3.9 million adults in the UK who may have undiagnosed OSA join SATA – currently, approximately only 700,000 people are diagnosed.
The SATA members area also allows access to copies of the Charity’s Administrative structure, the accounts and the Chairman’s Annual Report, which allows members to monitor and understand the business affairs of the charity.
For only ÂŁ20 annually, become a member of SATA here –
What does SATA do?
The charity works in partnership with relevant organisations, such as the European Lung Foundation and the European National Sleep Apnoea Patients Organisation (ENSAPO) to raise awareness. SATA also participates in the NICE committee to widen the range of patients that receive Sleep Apnoea treatment for free on the NHS.
The charity aims to educate, advocate and be the patient’s voice on Sleep Apnoea.
How do they do this?
- The SATA website offers up-to-date educational information on Sleep Apnoea, checked by senior NHS medical professionals and UK medical organisations (BSS, ARTP and BTS).
- Assisting in research and development of Sleep Apnoea – in March 2008, CPAP therapy (CPAP machines) became funded by the NHS due to the help of SATA.
- Members of SATA receive regular Sleep Matters newsletters with recent helpful information.
- SATAday is the annual patient conference, where hundreds of Sleep Apnoea patients can discuss concerns, products and the most valuable information.
- SATA works with authorised organisations to improve the detection, diagnosis and treatment of risk-related work, for example, lorry drivers, pilots and train drivers.
- Advocating for Sleep Apnoea patients by checking and optimising all aspects of OSA healthcare in the UK.
- SATA raises awareness of OSA at worthwhile organisation events such as Rotary Clubs and U3A.
- Progressively obtaining the NHS to recognise OSA is an epidemic driven by the obesity epidemic.
For more information, visit –
Join the free SATA Sleep Matters newsletter; click the link here – Sleep Matters.
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is the most common form of the sleep disorder Sleep Apnoea. It is estimated that up to 4 million people suffer from moderate to severe OSA in the UK alone.
OSA is when the throat and tongue muscles relax too much, and the upper airway becomes partially or entirely blocked during sleep; these blockages are called apnoeas and hypopnoeas.
Those with OSA find their sleep continuously interrupted and experience breathing pauses during sleep. These pauses can happen more than 20 times every hour, depending on the person’s OSA severity.
Common signs of Sleep Apnoea:
- Snoring
- Choking during sleep
- Daytime sleepiness
- Mood swings
- Waking up gasping for air
- Waking up with a dry mouth
- Morning headaches
Related page: Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, for more details on symptoms.
It is estimated that 80% of people do not know they have Sleep Apnoea; if you know someone showing symptoms of OSA – order an in-home sleep test here.
Contact us for helpful Sleep Apnoea support and details on CPAP equipment.